
Jun 28, 2024

The Lead Generation Business Growth Engine

Lead generation is a fast-growing component of the performance marketing ecosystem. According to Statista, global marketing investment in lead generation reached $3.3B in 2023, and the market is expected to continue expanding in the years ahead. 

Lead generation is a cornerstone of marketing. It is the number one goal for B2B content marketing and a top priority for many B2C marketers as well. To dive into this fast-expanding area of marketing, we conducted a survey with people currently in the industry. Our report will cover the key factors behind its surge in popularity in 2024 including brand focus on customer acquisition, first-party data strategies, channel diversification, and full-funnel performance marketing... Directly from the voices who are using it as a key part of their marketing strategies.

By downloading the report today, you’ll gain valuable insights into: 

Marketer Perceptions: Understand how experienced marketers view and utilize lead generation in today's market. 

Brand Strategies: Explore how top brands are implementing lead generation to maintain and grow their customer base. 

Vertical Analysis: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the lead generation vertical and what to expect in the future. 

Data Management: Learn about the importance of building first-party data in a cookie-less world. 

Cost Management: Discover how brands are optimizing their marketing mix to counter rising media costs. 

Compliance Preparation: Gain insights into the upcoming TCPA changes and how they will impact lead generation starting January 2025. 

Networking Opportunities: Leverage industry events, especially Affiliate Summit events, to connect with leading solutions providers and learn best practices. 

So, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is fill out the form below and you'll receive your copy of the report via email! 

The Lead Generation Business Growth Engine Report



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