
May 10, 2021

5 Steps To Writing Emails And Sales Pages That Get The Right People To Open, Click, and Buy In 2021

With emails and sales pages, you'have to'achieve a lot all at once.''

You're not just trying to get someone's attention. You're also trying to keep it, which lets you use it to get them legitimately excited about what you have to offer. You need to take them on a journey that helps illustrate who you are, what you do and why it matters. That's how you get the right people to not just open your messages, but click through and buy your products, too.''

Thankfully, getting to this point isn't nearly as difficult as you might think. You simply'have to'keep a few key things in mind along the way.'''



Step #1: Capture Someone's Attention Using Headlines''

The most important thing is capturing attention as quickly and humanly as possible. The right people won't open, click or buy unless you grab their attention.'

Humans form a first impression about something in literally fractions of a second. There's no such thing as getting interested halfway through an offer. You have no time to waste! You need to come out swinging right out of the gate. To do that, you need the most compelling headline that you can possibly write.''

The goal of the headline isn't to make the conversion on its own. Your primary objective is to keep people interested. The headline should be interesting and captivating enough to get them to want to keep reading. From there, the rest of your copy can speak for itself.'''



Step #2: Create Interest Using Intrigue''

You've captured their attention. Now you'll want to strike an emotional'cord'as soon as you can.'

To do this, you'll want to master the art of storytelling - and more specifically, stories that sell. You need to give people a through-line that they can latch onto. They don't necessarily know that much about your products and services quite yet. In all reality, they may not even be aware of why they need your business in their life to begin with.''

The key is to start with a story that is both emotional and relevant. If you can do that, they'll soon be able to see the value in what you have to offer. Again, it's about keeping them curious and about getting them interested in knowing more. You'll have their attention ' and that is a very powerful position to be in.'''



Step #3: Clarify the Benefits''

You've got their attention. You've created emotional intrigue, so you've kept their interest. Now you can start to communicate your offer. That doesn't mean talking about your product, your company, or what you do. It means talking about what you can do for your customer.''

Think about the problems your customers are having. What do they experience day to day? What kind of unpleasant "before" state are they in? How does your product or service offer transformation?''

Next, think about the value your products and services have to offer. Don't fall back on technical specifications, unless you want their eyes to glaze over.''

Your job is to call out the very real problems your customers are having. Highlight the pain points they're experiencing. Some copy writers call this "twisting the knife." Then, you introduce your products and services as the solution to those problems. Explain what they'll be able to do differently and more effectively in the future with your help. Showcase the value that you bring to the table that nobody else can match. It's a lot about forging a relationship, but it's more than that. It's how you create a genuine competitive advantage for yourself while you do that.'


Step #4: Credibility and Trust''

After grabbing their attention, piquing their interest, relating to their problems and offering a solution... they need proof. They need to understand why'you.'You need to build credibility and trust. These two elements help people come down off the fence... and gets them closer to the buy.''

People aren't just going to take your word for it that your products and services do what you say they can do. They want to know beyond the shadow of a doubt. They're not even willing to think about parting with their hard-earned money until they do.''

Because of that, you need to come at them with as much social proof as you can muster. This means testimonials (especially in video form) from your existing, satisfied customers. This means showing them positive customer reviews. The more convincing you can be here, the more likely you are to convert ' which is what this is all about.'



Step #5: Call to Action''

When your prospective customer is ready to buy, you better be ready with the when and where. A well-written CTA accomplishes many important goals, all at the exact same time.''

The most important aspect of a good CTA is clarity. You need to make it as clear as possible what the next step'actually is. They need direction, and they need to be'absolutely certain'what it is you want them to do - and a call to action is how you do it.'''

But in a larger sense, your call to action is also training your audience to'take action'by creating urgency. It's not just that you want them to'open up'a particular link. It's that you want them to open it before your incredible offer expires. You don't just want them to sign up for your email newsletter. You want them to do it soon, before they miss out on important information they need to know about!'

When all these elements come together, you've got more than just a well written email or sales page. You've got the type of copy that can get the right people to open, click and buy your products. And ' you've got a formula that can'repeated again'and again in the future, too.'

