13 Unique Marketing Tweaks You Can Copy, Proven To Drive Instant, Guaranteed Results
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was the campaign your brand can rely on. Instead, you should see it for what it is'an outreach program that is in a constant stage of evolution.
Case in point: your current efforts. The chances are high that you're already seeing a great deal of success, but now you'd like to push those outcomes even further. With that in mind, here are a list of 13 unique marketing tweaks that you can copy that are not only incredibly straightforward'they are also proven to drive the level of instant, guaranteed results your brand needs when you need them the most.
1. Influencer Amplification
One of the most important things to understand about the current state of marketing is that people refuse to just 'take your word for it' that your brand can do what you claim it does. They want to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt'and that means they want to hear it from other people.
It's part of the reason why case studies and testimonials are so powerful. But you can take that effect one step further with influencer amplification. Not only do you get to enjoy someone who your audience is already paying attention to spreading good will in your direction, but you also get to harness a little bit of their own built-in brand at the same time.
2. Personalization AmplificationIf all of your marketing collateral feels like it is trying to target the largest possible audience, your customers are going to be able to feel that, too. That means they're going to check out sooner rather than later, which is a position you absolutely do not want to be in.
Instead, write everything like you're speaking to one person and use as much personalization as possible. Make every last prospect feel like they're the only person on planet Earth that you care about'even if intellectually both of you know that isn't necessarily true. You'd be surprised by what a massive difference it can make.
3. Brand QueriesDon't underestimate the power that branded queries bring to the table. This is a technique that won't just increase your chances of ranking for non-branded keywords dramatically'it can also help increase brand mentions across the board, too.
For the best results, make sure that you're leveraging all opportunities like offline paid and earned media advertising and referral and loyalty programs whenever possible. Getting a mention from influencers can also help tremendously to that end, too.
4. Skyscraper 2.0The winds of search engine optimization are changing'and you need to change right along with them.
These days, SEO is less about keywords and is more about the context behind those keywords. Therefore, if you want to drive instant, guaranteed results in a way that powers your brand for years to come, you need to focus the majority of your SEO efforts around user INTENT whenever you can.
Don't just single out what people are searching for. Make sure you're taking into consideration WHY they're searching for it. What problem are they trying to solve? What important question are they really trying to get an answer to? All of these are the types of insights that search engines like Google want you to base a lot of the decisions you're making on.'Oftentimes this can make a major difference in terms of accomplishing your objectives moving forward.'
5. Using Tools like Gifs.comAs a savvy brand, you're probably already experimenting with live video on sites like Facebook whenever possible. To take this one step further, you should consider doing so while also using tools like
By dropping your Facebook Live URL into the template on, you can create animated gifs that they allow you to share those auto-created gifs for promotional purposes. It's a great way to get more leverage out of the content you've already worked so hard to create.
6. Give Away a Chance to Win a PrizeSpeaking of live content, never overlook the chance to give away the opportunity to your users to win a prize on each live session you do. If people aren't already excited about the idea of a live video experience with one of their favorite brands, they certainly will be when they realize they could walk away with a spectacular prize just for showing up.
This is an old trick, but it's a good one. You could give away the opportunity to win a prize to every person who posts a question'making it more likely that people will do so, increasing engagement as much as possible. Just make sure you tell people about the prize opportunity well in advance (to get them to actually attend), but don't reveal the winner until the final moments. That way, the largest number of people will stick around for the entirety of the broadcast'giving your marketing message an even better chance of sinking in.
7. Using Facebook Groups to Your AdvantageFacebook Groups are a great way to extract information from literally anyone who happens to be a member of that group. This includes but is not limited to contact information like addresses and demographic information, too.
It's a great way to glean as much data about people as possible, all of which you can use to drive more personalized campaigns moving forward.
8. Spy on Your Facebook CompetitionAre your competitors leveraging techniques that work particularly well? Load up the Facebook Ad Library and find out as much about it as you can. Don't be afraid to use what is working in your own campaigns and, more importantly, see what isn't working that you can improve on.
There's no shame in this method and, to be frank, more organizations do it on a regular basis than you realize.
9. Using Tools like PowerAdSpy.comTo take the whole 'spying on your Facebook competitors' technique one step further, you should absolutely be using tools like PowerAdSpy on a regular basis. Not only will it allow you to see example after example of what successful ad campaigns truly are, but it'll also give you something that you can build on with your own campaigns in the future.
10. Using Tools like is a terrific tool if you're wading your toes into the proverbial waters of cross-media attribution. It's a perfect opportunity to find out as much as possible about the actual path someone takes from 'finding your brand' to 'making a purchase,' thus allowing you to reinforce those touch points with as much content as humanly possible.
11. Pixel, Pixel, PixelWhenever you create a new landing page, make sure you're using a pixel to collect as much actionable information as possible.
For those unfamiliar, a pixel is a piece of code that you put into your site to track the visitors TO that site. Not only can you see where people are coming from (thus telling you where to focus your efforts), but you can also see what they're doing on that page to make specific modifications to reinforce a better experience, too.
12. Foreign Language CaptionsThanks to the Internet, even the smallest of businesses can now operate on a global scale. But not every country in the world speaks English' which is why foreign language captions are of paramount importance.
If you're trying to attract an audience from a specific region, you don't necessarily have to create a video in their native language. But make sure captions are available that allow them to understand exactly what is going on so that they can enjoy the journey you're asking them to take to the fullest extent, too.
13. Custom Audience SwapsLast but not least, don't forget about just how powerful custom audience swaps can really be in the right situation.
By exporting your Facebook custom audience and importing it into Google Adwords, you can target across the entirety of the Google Display Network with ease. At a base level, the GDN is already a way to improve your Adwords and pay-per-click (PPC) return on investment.
With this technique at the ready? It can also be a great way to reduce your cost-per-acquisition by as much as 20% to 50% in a lot of cases.
Even individually, many of these techniques are far too powerful to ignore. When taken together, you're looking at an unbeatable opportunity to not only drive instant, guaranteed results, but to set your brand up for a decade of success that you may not otherwise have access to.'